mandag 20. mai 2013


This morning the flowers on my plum three was nearly visible to my eyes. It has been a warm and sunny day, so by night I could see flowers all over the three.

Pinse 2013 202Pinse 2013 207

torsdag 28. mars 2013

Påskesnø….Snow for Easter!

De siste 12 timer har det kommet ca 20 cm snø. Nå har sola begynt å kjempe imot snøbygene og kommer igjennom med litt skinnende lys.

For the last 12 hours it has been a lot of snow coming down. Now the sun has start the fight against the heavy clouds, and is coming trough with a little light.

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søndag 24. mars 2013

Wow…this is me!!

Last weekend I was participating in a exhibition called “Aktiv Fritid” , working at the stand for my stone club. Among the exposers  was also the perfumery shop called Vita. Without me knowing it, my daughter had signed me up in a raffle from Vita where 20 persons could have their “makeover” with a proffesional makeup artist. And I was one of the lucky girls this weekend.

I was a litle surprised when they told me it would take about 90 min, cause I thought it would be just a quick make up. But I was wrong…..

There were 4 stops at the stand. It started by doing my nails, then it was the hair with good ideas of how you can style your hair easily with different kind of products, then it was the skin analyses and how to adjust using different kind of products to do the best for the skin. And then at last…. the make up. Oh my g….!!! (Since I knew that I was having my makeup quite early this day, I had only put on a little mascara.)

To be on a stand were about 5000 people passes you in two days, and 1/3 of them is stopping to talk to you, it feels good to know that you dont look as a mess, and wow what a feeling I had the rest of the day…

Stephan Ulvund Øien is a professional makeup artist working for Isadora  since 2010.  You could feel his passion for the profession in every touch he did to my face.  And what a touch…it was like magic. Using colors that I never thought of using myself.  I think he even made me look some years younger….

    Siw BG

I do have a very sensitive dry skin in my face and I am allergic to all kind of fragrance in cosmetic products. The Isadora products felt very good to my skin and I did wear it all day without any problems.

Well, so much for the Isadora commercial, but I really felt good about this new face of mine, just wish I could do half of it myself. But at least I have been shopping some new Isadora products at Vita.

lørdag 9. mars 2013

Slippers and food…

My sister, that knows that I always have cold feet gave me these woolen knitted  slippers. They are absolutely marvellous!! Including nice colors.

tøfler 2

My son and I are “home alone” for the time beeing. We are getting along quite good, and in the weekends we treat ourselves with som nice and tasty food. Yesterday it was Tiika masala, and today we had Taco.



And I have promised my self to try and keep this blog updated this year. If I manage…?? I dont know, please remind me if I forget.

søndag 24. februar 2013

A lovely day!

A lovely day is followed by a lovely evening. The moon isnt full until tomorrow….

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fredag 22. februar 2013

Does anyone miss me in here??

I just wonder….

Life is short, life is long, life is wonderful and life could be difficult….

For me…..????  Ups and downs are coming my way irregurarely, just as normal. My life is quite average I think!!

Just now I am looking out the window to watch the sun playing with the snow white mountains across the fjord while I am listening to Bellamy Brothers on my ipod.

As you can see, the sun is low at this time of year, so you can only see the light  at one side of the mountains.

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